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Together in Resistance: The Internet as a Space for Destigmatizing Childfree People in India

Rojin Sadeghi

Research Framework: In the Indian context, the study of non-parenthood has long been approached only from the angle of infertility, itself associated with poor living conditions affecting reproductive health. However, recent studies suggest a shift within the childless population, with a growing proportion of individuals renouncing parenthood. To this day, their experiences are still rarely studied.

Objectives : Our research examines the role of the Internet and social media as a space for negotiating the identity of childfree people. We analyze how these individuals construct a counter-discourse to the dominant norms and identify the strategies put in place to resist them.

Methodology: Data are extracted from the ChildfreeIndia subreddit, an online platform allowing interactions between childfree individuals. Valence and thematic analysis are both employed to examine the posts and/or comments available on the group. The results are discussed in the light of theories of stigmatization and resistance.

Results: The group discussions are characterized by their benevolence. Four main themes were explored: partner, reasons for not wanting children, negative consequences of being childfree, and sterilization. Identity work and resistance in social interactions are the two types of strategies used to counteract procreative normativity.

Conclusion : The development of a collective identity and the exchange of interactional strategies are central to managing and resisting stigmatization. These practices are transformative and provide members with legitimacy and empowerment.

Contribution : Adding to the limited body of literature on people who forgo parenthood in the world’s most populous country, our research focuses more broadly on understanding the experiences of childfree people and whether/how they can manage or even resist stigmatization.

