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The Local Exchange and Trading Systems in Quebec’s Age-Friendly Cities Program : An Initiative Fostering the “Aging in Place”

François Racicot-Lanoue, Nicolas Goudreault, Fanny Larocque-Tourangeau, Suzanne Garon

Research Framework : Resulting from the population aging, the increase in the elders needs and the decrease in their functional autonomy caused by normal aging, the possibility for seniors of “Aging in Place” has been weakened. Despite these difficulties, the vast majority of seniors wish to live in their home for as long as possible. In light of these challenges, governmental initiatives such as the Age-Friendly Cities (AFC) program as well as other local services are insufficient. By linking these initiatives to Local Exchange Trading Systems (LETS), it would represent a social innovation that could foster “Aging in Place”.

Objectives : To suggest an original conciliation between LETS and the AFC program that could foster “Aging in Place”.

Methodology : In regard to the collaboration between LETS and the AFC program, this article offers an innovative reflection which will explore the role of stakeholders and the impacts of this partnership on a micro-territory.

Results : A mapping on a micro-level of where people live could help respond more precisely to the needs of the population while involving more easily stakeholders in this process. The latter can support the activities of the LETS in different ways, including by taking part in the AFC program’s steering committee.

Conclusions : A partnership is possible between the AFC program’s steering committee and stakeholders from the LETS at a micro-level, which could support “Aging in Place”.

Contribution : While it fosters “Aging in Place”, the LETS could help reduce the social isolation of seniors, increase intergenerational relations and promote social inclusion with all the actors involved in these activities.
