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Child Well-Being: Evolution of a Notion, Ambiguities of Dimensions and Measures

Claude Martin, Zoé Perron, Julia Buzaud

Research Framework: This article is reviewing the international literature on determinants and measures of child well-being and secondary analysis of some of the main international database in order to identify some unexplained mechanisms.

Objectives: It formulates hypotheses to explain the gaps between the level of public and social investment in policies addressed to children and the level of their subjective well-being.

Methodology: This research is based on a literature review and secondary analysis of international databases.

Results: The article insists on the quality of communication between parents and adolescents in the level of subjective well-being

Conclusions: More qualitative research is needed to understand the mechanisms in cause.

Contribution: This paper is based on the activities of the chair CNAF-EHESP “Childhood, well-being and parenting” which question the current focus on well-being and happiness in order to better appreciate and understand its conditions by social scientists.
