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Services for fathers, a description and a look at the evolution of Canadian practices

Gilles Forget, Annie Devault, Sarah Allen, Ed Bader , Deb Jarvis

One of the major factors in the promotion of paternal commitment is the ability of organizations and their representatives to contact fathers and offer them activities, services, resources or programs. Thanks to a 2003 survey of over 1000 Canadian organizations, we are in a position to describe the extent of interventions made available to fathers and the obstacles and results that were noted. We are also able to describe changes in such practices, via a sample group of respondents who took part in a similar survey four years earlier. Although we have observed an increase in services offered to fathers, there still remain a number of obstacles to improved access. However, this comparison over time shows that the continuance of services to fathers has lessened certain difficulties and, more especially, has made it easier to contact more fathers with problems.
