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Gender, Life Stages, Parenting and Family Dynamics: Intersections and Research Perspectives in the Contemporary History of Quebec and Canada

Marie-Laurence B. Beaumier

Research Framework: This article focuses on the dramatic increase in the emergence and development of the history of gender and the history of life stages following the 1960s and 70s.
Objectives: This article provides a summary of the impact that the consideration of gender relations and age have had in the research of history in Quebec and Canada over the last forty years. Through the use of a critical analysis, this work delves into the interweaving between gender and age relationships and the analytical possibilities they have to offer.
Methodology: A review of the literature and a historiographical reflection.
Results: The reflection begins by looking into recent advances then then looks into the avenues offered by research perspectives that dovetail gender and life stages revealed by the historical research. The second section of the article highlights a selection of the theoretical and conceptual paths highlighted by our analysis to better study the history of parenting and family dynamics with a more nuanced and critical perspective.
Conclusions: Our analysis sheds light on the shortcomings that persist in Quebec and Canadian historiography when it comes to harmonizing gender and age, especially in the field of family history. To avoid the shortcomings identified in our historiographical reflection, the article reiterates the importance and interest in taking an intersectional approach which takes account of the complex dynamics at work in the production of power and relationships and domination.
Contribution: Based on a review of the literature, this article draws the attention of its readers, delving into rarely researched topics and in particular to the analytical possibilities offered by the notion of parenthood and by taking a life stages approach.
